Welcome to the website of the Japan Karate-Do Ryobukai United Kingdom
Our aim is to introduce you to the style of Shindō Jinen-Ryū and the teachings of Yasuhiro Konishi Soke (1893 to 1983) our founder.
Yasuhiro Konishi Soke was one of the first karateka to teach karate on mainland Japan. He was instrumental in developing modern karate, as well as a driving force in the art's acceptance in to mainland Japan.
We are the official representatives of the Japan Karate-Do Ryobukai International in the UK.
We are the only group teaching the original Shindō Jinen-Ryū from our Japanese Hombu the Ryobukan and promoting the FULL syllabus.
Yasuhiro Konishi Soke named his own style Shindō Jinen-Ryū which translates as "godly, natural style, complete empty-handed way".
Konishi Sensei believed that if one lives a moral life, then one is naturally following the divine way. He promoted;
“If training in karate in a natural way leads one to mastery of one's body, knowledge and experience are vastly increased and the foundation for naturally living a moral life is established”.
Ryobu-Kan (The House of Martial Arts Excellence) :- Konishi Sensei’s dojo, the Ryobu-Kan opened at Tokyo in 1927, serving as the headquarters for the Nihon Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai. After his death, the authority for the organisation passed on to his son Takehiro Konishi (1931-2017), who would continue his father’s work until his death. He changed his given name from Takehiro to Yasuhiro in memory of his father after his father died, which is a respected tradition in Japan.
Ryobu-Kai (The Association of Martial Arts Excellence) :- The Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai (JKR) is the original and only governing body for Shindō Jinen-Ryū . It is an international karate organisation under the leadership of a committee with Kiyoshi Yamazaki, 9th Dan as Kaicho (President). Yamazaki Kaicho is also the International Director and Chief Instructor guiding branches in more than 20 countries. The JKRI is the only major karate organisation that has never experienced an internal schism and a division from its core group.
Training within Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai and Shindō Jinen-Ryū stresses traditional Japanese and Okinawan values of discipline, consistent attendance, etiquette, and hard work. incorporates elements of the original Koryu-te (Old Style Hand) karate, aikido, jujutsu, and Kenjutsu in its curriculum, and emphasizes both philosophy and education.
The Japan Karate-Do Ryobukai United Kingdom is not a large organisation and prefers to focus on the core benefits of training, Shin-Gi-Tai (Mind, Body & Spirit) with a heavy emphasis on effective self-protection.

Japan Karate-Do Ryobukai United Kingdom
is about ...
Welcoming ALL that wish to practise and learn the style of Shindō Jinen-Ryū in a safe, respectful and enjoyable environment.
ALL our member dojo’s provide DBS checked instructors, an attending qualified First-AID representative and member to member insurance.
We are against those that wish to cause disharmony and create their own political agenda to bolster their own ego … The JKRUK is about the training!!!
All members and Instructors agree to our Code of Conduct.